Joining Forces
International Practice Groups
Worldwide Project Of Practices

Type of Course:
Experience Level:
English, Spanish, Russian, French, German

Join for Free


Get together to practice Carlos Castaneda’s energy passes online, once each Season of the year, with fellow practitioners with whom you share a common goal and intent, for the joy and the boost it brings you.

Be Uplifted and Inspired

Summer Practice

Fall Practice

Winter Practice

Spring Practice

There is no cost to become a participant. And you can join one or more regional groups that fit your language and country!

Here are some of the myriad things practice groups participants have said they experience during practices:

“Silence and strength” “Feeling more fluid” “Inspiration and expansion” “More energy and more strength” “Mental silence” “Lightness and perseverance” “A different perception than the internal dialogue” “A natural ease and expansion”

More information

One of the most cherished projects of the nagual during the last years of his life, was the advent of Practice Groups. When he started giving workshops, he was amazed to see the phenomenon of energy mass, when it came to the practice of the passes. How a number of practitioners doing them together, makes everyone much more available to move, to change, both physically and perceptually. He would say that a wave of intent seemed to generate and pass through them.

“This energetic current, which a shaman could easily see, creates a sense of urgency in practitioners. It is like a vibratory wind that sweeps through them and gives them the primary elements of purpose. I have had the privilege of seeing what I considered to be a portentous spectacle: the awakening of purpose, the energetic base of man. Don Juan Matus used to call this unbending intent.” Carlos Castaneda

After the nagual left, we spent a lot of time nurturing and connecting a lot of small practice groups in many different countries, in neighborhoods within large cities or in towns. Over time, the focus shifted away, and many practice groups became inactive.

What would the nagual do today with this dream of practice groups? The individual passion about the passes from so many of you remains inside alive.

And now, tracing the energy in a new group that was recently put together for the whole Italy, and another group formed the same for Argentina, it seems that a new formulation of that dream is coming up, perhaps more in line with the new conditions that social media and the internet have brought that changed the world since the time he was alive.

This new formulation, a combination of live and mostly online, gives the potential for a greater number of practitioners to share a practice and a relationship of intent, grouped not by the same city or neighborhood location, but by country, world region, or language.

To start, each group base will have a Season Practice, for a total of 4 practices per year (Summer Practice, Fall Practice, Winter Practice, Spring Practice) Additional practices can be arranged ‘à la carte’ for special occasions, like the Solstices.

Each regional group is connected through a dedicated WhatsApp group and meets via Zoom. Any given practice can be joined from home, or if there are multiple people living in the same city, you can also meet live during practice time and do the practice together.

We already have our initial Regional Groups around the globe, each with a group of local collaborators who have stepped up to help coordinate them!

Listen to the story that brought about the Practice project

The initial Regional Practice Groups are:

Practice Mexico

Practice USA

Practice Europe English

Practice Europe French

Practice Europe German

Practice Europe Spanish

Practice Russia

Practice Argentina

Practice Italy

Practice Brasil

Practice Bulgaria

More Groups will emerge as the project unfolds. Coordinators can change as different energetic availabilities change. They coordinate Seasonal Practices, and keep WhatsApp energized.

I participate in each Regional WhatsApp Group, post teachings, communicate with you, and appear in some Seasonal Practices, to share and guide a section of passes.

Energy Life Sciences Institute facilitates the Zoom meets and provides a landing page for the Regional Practice Groups to help communicate and coordinate.

If you are enthusiastic about this proposal, I would love for you to be a part of it, a new intent. This could really be fun and energizing and it requires very little time into it, maybe you feel it can give you a boost!

It’s easy to REGISTER. Simply email us:

or text us +1 310.231.3500 with:

  • Your full name, country of residence and language
  • Your email to send you the Zoom meetings information
  • Your phone contact to add you into the Regional Practice WhatsApp Group/s you choose

Click here to download and read the Practice Guidelines

Click here to watch videos of Practices

Also, know that your ideas and initiatives are very welcome and encouraged.

Under the wings of the Eagle we go!

Miles Reid